(For paper presentations, presenters are indictated in bold font.)
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
6 pm Networking Reception (by invitation) [Ashdown House]
Thursday, July 18, 2019
7:30 – 8:30 am Registration (continental breakfast provided) [Tang Center (Building E51), Outside Wong Auditorium]
8:30 – 8:50 am Opening Remarks [Tang Center (Building E51), Wong Auditorium]
8:50 – 9 am Tran sition to Samberg
9 – 10:15 am Session 1: Regular Presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
Walter Mebane (University of Michigan) , Fabricio Vasselai and Samuel Baltz
Discussant: In Song Kim (MIT)
[Dining Room 3]
Ludvic Rheault (University of Toronto) and Sophie Borwein
Discussant: Michelle Torres (Rice)
[Dining Room 4]
Luke Sanford (UCSD), Molly Roberts (UCSD) and Kevin Li
Discussant: David Carlson (Koc University)
[Dining Room 5]
10:15 – 10:35 am Break
10:35 am – 12 pm Session 2: Short presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- Paper 1: The Feedback Effects of a Market-Based Policy: Evidence from Public Opinion on the Affordable Care Act
Daniel J. Hopkins (University of Pennsylvania) and William Hobbs
Discussant: Robert Erikson (Columbia)
Paper 2: Using the Audio from Telephone Surveys for Political Science Research
Bryce Dietrich (University of Iowa) and Jeff Mondak
Discussant: Ludvic Rheault (University of Toronto)
[Dining Room 3]
- Paper 1: Supervised Learning of Candidates’ Issue-Specific Positions Using Itemized Donations
Zhao Li (Stanford University) and Adam Bonica
Discussant: Benjamin Lauderdale (UCL)
Paper 2: When Do Politicians Grandstand? Measuring Message Politics in Committee Hearings
Ju Yeon Park (University of Pittsburgh)
Discussant: Sarah Bouchat (Northwestern)
[Dining Room 4] << Emerging Scholars Session >> - Paper 1: Bracketing Bounds for Differences-in-Differences with an Application to Voter ID Laws
Luke Keele (University of Pennsylvania) , Raiden Hasegawa and Dylan Small
Discussant: Danny Hidalgo (MIT)
Paper 2: Augmented Panel Data Models with Staggered Adoption
Avi Feller (UC-Berkeley) , Eli Ben-Michael and Jesse Rothstein
Discussant: Joseph Ornstein (WUSTL)
[Dining Room 5]
12 – 2 pm Lunch & Poster Session I [Samberg, 7th Floor]
2pm – 3:15 pm Session 3: Regular presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- A Parallel Evolutionary Metropolis-Try Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm for Spatial State Spaces (Link to the Author’s Website)
Wendy K. Tam Cho (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Yan Liu
Discussant: Santiago Olivella (UNC Chapel Hill)
[Dining Room 3]
- What Do We Learn About Preferences from Conjoint Experiments?
Korhan Kocak (Princeton), Scott Abramson (Rochester) and Asya Magazinnik (MIT)
Discussant: Naoki Egami (Princeton)
[Dining Room 4]
- Word Embeddings: What Works, What Doesn’t, and How to Tell the Difference for Applied Research
Pedro Rodriguez (New York University) and Arthur Spirling
Discussant: Brandon Stewart (Princeton)
[Dining Room 5]
3:15 – 3:30 pm Break
3:30 – 5 pm Session 4: Short presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- Paper 1: A Validation Study of Individual-level Survey Methodologies for Sensitive Questions
Ahra Wu (Workplace Analytics, LLC) , Andrew R. Wood and Randy T. Stevenson
Discussant: Mike Alvarez (Caltech)
Paper 2: On Theory and Identification: When and Why We Need Theory for Causal Identification
Tara Slough (UC-Berkeley)
Discussant: Kevin Munger (Penn State)
[Dining Room 3] << Emerging Scholars Session >> - Paper 1: Contagious Political Concerns: Identifying Unemployment Shock Information Transmission Using the Danish Population Network
Horacio Larreguy (Harvard University) , James E. Alt, Amalie Jensen, David D. Lassen and John Marshall
Discussant: Shahryar Minhas (Michigan State University)
Paper 2: Do Gender Quotas Cause a Decline in Corruption?
Justin Esarey (Wake Forest University) , Natalie Valdes
Discussant: Frederick Boehmke (University of Iowa)
[Dining Room 4] - Paper 1: Polynomial Regression as an Alternative to Neural Nets
Peter Mohanty (Stanford University) , Norm Matloff, Xi Cheng and Bohdan Khomtchouk
Discussant: Neal Beck (NYU)
Paper 2: Rehabilitating the Regression: Honest and Valid Causal Inference through Machine Learning
Marc Ratkovic (Princeton University)
Discussant: Matthew Blackwell (Harvard)
[Dining Room 5]
5:30 – 7 pm IDSS Reception [Stata Center (Building 32), R&D Common]
Friday, July 19, 2019
8 – 9 am Continental Breakfast [Samberg, 6th Floor]
9 – 10:15 am Session 5: Regular Presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- The Elephant in the Chamber? Incorporating Tweets about Trump into Congressional Ideal Point Estimates
Sunshine Hillygus (Duke University) , Greg Spell, Larry Carin and Brian Guay
Discussant: Chris Warshaw (GWU)
[Dining Room 3]
- Tools for Topic Model Validation: Towards Procedures for Validating Topics as Measures [Appendix]
Jacob Montgomery (WUSTL) , Luwei Ying, Brandon Stewart
Discussant: Arthur Spirling (NYU)
[Dining Room 4] - Experimental Design and Statistical Inference for Conjoint Analysis: The Essential Role of Population Distribution
Brandon de la Cuesta (Princeton), Naoki Egami (Princeton), and Kosuke Imai (Harvard)
Discussant: Dean Knox (Princeton)
[Dining Room 5]
10:15 – 10:35 am Break
10:35 – 12 pm Session 6: Short presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- Paper 1: Does Authoritarian Propaganda Ever Respond to Public Opinion?
Shuai Jin (UMass-Boston)
Discussant: Molly Roberts (UCSD)
Paper 2: Artificial Communities and Bait-and-Switch Messaging of Russian Trolls on Twitter During the 2016 Election
Alexandra Cirone (Cornell University) and William Hobbs (Cornell University)
Discussant: Nick Beauchamp (Northeastern University)
[Dining Room 3] << Emerging Scholars Session >> - Paper 1: An Automated Approach to Measuring Competitive Issue Framing at Scale
Mark Pickup (Simon Fraser University) and Vincent Hopkins (Simon Fraser University)
Discussant: Seth Hill (UCSD)
Paper 2: The Social Network Effects of Drone Strikes
Paolo Bertolotti (MIT IDSS) , Ali Jadbabaie, Fotini Christia
Discussant: Adeline Lo (Princeton)
[Dining Room 4] - Paper 1: Navigated Weighting to Improve Inverse Probability Weighting for Missing Data Problems and Causal Inference
Hiroto Katsumata (Gakushuin University and MIT)
Discussant: Adam Glynn (Emory)
Paper 2: The Stability-Controlled Trial? Assessing the effect of new or newly-popular treatments without randomization
Chad Hazlett (UCLA)
Discussant: Fredrik Savje (Yale)
[Dining Room 5]
12 – 2:00 pm Lunch & Poster Session II [Samberg, 7th floor]
2:00 – 3:15 pm Session 7: Regular presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- Does Politicized Media Distort Political Discourse? Evidence from Fox News Channel
Elena Labzina (ETH Zurich) and Elliott Ash
Discussant: Chris Lucas (WUSTL)
[Dining Room 3] - A Practical Guide to Counterfactual Estimators for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Sectional Data
Yiqing Xu (Stanford) , Licheng Liu and Ye Wang
Discussant: Matthew Lebo (Stony Brook)
[Dining Room 4] - Post-Modern Bayesian Inference
Jeff Gill (American University) , Andreas Murr (U of Warwick) and Richard Traunmueller
Discussant: Jonathan Katz (Caltech)
[Dining Room 5]
3:15 – 3:30 pm Transition to Wong Auditorium
3:30 – 4:30 pm Special Session: LGBTQ Research and Political Methodology [Wong Auditorium]
- Patrick J. Egan (NYU)
- Katherine McCabe (Rutgers University)
- Patrick R. Miller (U of Kansas)
- Moderator: Danny Hidalgo (MIT)
4:30 – 5:00 pm SPM Business Meeting [Wong Auditorium]
5 – 5:45 pm Panel Discussion on Non-academic Careers [Wong Auditorium]
- Adriana Crespo-Tenorio (Facebook)
- Winston Chou (Facebook)
- Joe Williams (YouGov)
- Moderator: Pablo Barbera (USC/Facebook)
7:30 – 9:30 pm Dinner [Stratton Student Center (Building W20), Lobdell Dining Room]
Saturday, July 20, 2019
8 – 8:50 am Breakfast Roundtable Discussions [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- Journal Editors’ Roundtable: Publishing Methodology Papers in Political Science Journals [Dining Room 4]
- Tom Clark (Emory, Journal of Politics )
- Jeff Gill (American University, Political Analysis)
- Kosuke Imai (Harvard, Journal of Causal Inference)
- Benjamin Lauderdale (UCL, American Political Science Review)
- Moderator: Suzie Linn (Penn State)
- Roundtable Discussion: What Impact Will Data Science Have on Universities and Political Science? [Dining Room 5]
- Henry Brady (UC Berkeley)
- Gary King (Harvard)
- Rocio Titiunik (Princeton)
- Moderator: In Song Kim (MIT)
9 – 10:15 am Session 8: Regular Presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- A Bayesian Transition Network Topic Model for Inferring Conceptual Networks
Nicholas Beauchamp (Northeastern University)
Discussant:Burt Monroe (Penn State)
[Dining Room 3]
- The Bias is Built In: How Administrative Records Mask Racially Biased Policing
Dean Knox (Princeton), Will Lowe and Jonathan Mummolo (Princeton)
Discussant: Moritz Marbach (ETH Zurich)
[Dining Room 4] - Tracing Causal Paths from Experimental and Observational Data
Xiang Zhou (Harvard University) and Teppei Yamamoto (MIT)
Discussant: Rocio Titiunik (Princeton)
[Dining Room 5]
10:15 – 10:35 am Break
10:35 am – 12 pm Session 9: Short presentations [Samberg, 6th Floor]
- Paper 1: Generalized Ideal Point Models for Time-Varying and Missing-Data Inference
Robert Kubinec (NYU Abu Dhabi)
Discussant: Alex Tahk (UW Madison)
Paper 2: Inference Using Algorithmic Districting
Micah Altman (MIT) , Brian Amos and Michael P. McDonald
Discussant: John Londregan (Princeton)
[Dining Room 3]
- Paper 1: Estimating Proposal and Status Quo Locations for Legislation using Cosponsorships, Roll-Call Votes, and Interest Group Bill Positions
Jesse M. Crosson (University of Michigan) , Geoffrey Lorenz, Alexander C. Furnas
Discussant: Devin Caughey (MIT)
Paper 2: The Effects of Firms’ Lobbying on Resource Misallocation
In Song Kim (MIT) and Frederico Huneeus
Discussant: Jamie Monogan (University of Georgia)
[Dining Room 4]
- Paper 1: Design Based Inference for Spatial Experiments
Ye Wang (NYU) , Peter Aronow and Cyrus Samii
Discussant: Anton Strezhnev (NYU)
Paper 2: Causal inference with Misspecified Exposure Mappings
Fredrik Savje (Yale University)
Discussant: Chad Hazlett (UCLA)
[Dining Room 5]
12:00 – 1:30 pm Lunch [Samberg, 7th Floor]